In this fast changing world, time is becoming all the more important than money. Everyone has the money to buy grocery, but no time to cook a healthy food item in the kitchen. We simply depend on snacks and microwave oven to cook us something fast. This not only burns a hole in our pocket, but also makes us hungrier and leaves us feeling ruthless, drained of energy. Here are some sure shot tips not only to cut down your expenses, but also save your time and keep you healthy.

1.      The best option is to eat at home. Home cooked meals are healthiest and are usually made out of seasonal vegetables. Do not eat outside. But if you are at office and you are hungry, then try fruits like apples and bananas instead of burgers. Focus on your health instead on your money. If you remain fit then only you can save!

2.      Use food coupons: Discount coupons are a great way to save money. But merely something is on discount does not mean that you should buy it.

3.      Make a list of what you want at the end of the month. Check your pantry properly for veggies, spices and snacks. Make 2 lists: A need list and a want list. A need list is the actual list which you need while shopping. All the items you desperately need are in this list. Buy the cheapest at the store, unless you do not have a reason to do so. The want list causes the bills to lengthen. It contains items that would be nice to have. For example, a coffee is a need, but a cappuccino is a want.

4.      Rush to the supermarket! Speed matters. Do not give yourself the time to be indulged to buy something exotic which you really don’t need. Be sure to survey the food section properly so that you can get your requirements in a less time.

5.      Never take your kids to the supermarket. They pester for unnecessary items like chocolates. But if you want to make them learn how to do shopping, give them both the need and want list. In this way, they can learn to save money while buying within a limited budget.

6.      Try to do shopping after a mealtime. Shopping hungrily can make you buy things which will increase your bill.

7.      If you do not like to waste food, then you can easily save costs. Cook in bulk and refrigerate. Serve in small portions so that no food is wasted.  Try to stick onto the proverb “Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and eat supper like a beggar.” This will surely save you a lot. Last night’s leftover rice can be utilized to make some fried rice with fresh vegetables. It is better to stay lean and thin, eating required amount of food rather than gorging on eatables and getting obese. Just think, in a country like India, now obesity is all set to bag bigger numbers than malnutrition!!!

8.      Try to cut costs in items like drinks and snacks. Try small or medium sized portions. Treat yourself to these delights when you accomplish a milestone; like cleaning out garage once a fortnight.

9.      Grow your own kitchen garden. This is difficult for people nowadays, since there is shortage of space. But the people who can manage with a garden can remain healthy and save a lot as veggies too tend to become expensive sometimes. Vegetables and fruits can be grown like papaya, guava, drumstick, coriander etc according to the soil quality and season. This is a good hobby too.

10.  Stick onto your resolutions for saving money. Then only you can truly achieve what you have set out your foot to do.

I hope that this article was helpful for you……

Take care!



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